Convenience, cost-savings and amenities – your passengers demand it all. Helping you create a fare collection system that exceeds those expectations is our priority.
What INIT can help you achieve
Increase ridership
- Simplified fare purchases
- Best price calculation / fare capping
- Intermodal payment networks
- Open Payments (EMV)
- Virtualized mobile wallet smart cards
- A variety of sales channels
Streamline sales processes and costs
- Easy integration of 3rd party applications based on open architecture and Application Programming Interfaces (API)
- Comprehensive fare management and clearing functionality
- Compliance with various industry standards
- Account-based solutions
Core of the fare collection system
Points of sale
Technical Highlights
- Automated clearing house function for correct distribution of revenues
- Seamless integration with INIT’s operations control & real-time passenger information
- Compliance with international standards such as EMV
- Meets a wide range of country-specific requirements
- Account-based concept
- Open Payment
- Multi-client capability
- Smart migration strategies