Welcome to INIT

Space for ideas and responsibility

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With over 40 years’ experience, INIT has progressed to become the world market leader in Intelligent Transport Systems solutions. This success has been achieved thanks to our dedicated team of employees. We recognise that they are our greatest asset in order to maintain and even extend our competitive edge.

INIT offers a range of career opportunities for individuals with a variety of professional interests and backgrounds. Our business is based around the development and distribution of IT solutions so the majority of our employees work in software, electrical and industrial engineering as well as in international business. From the outset, our employees are given the freedom to work autonomously but are always encouraged to collaborate with their colleagues. Employees frequently tell us that the team spirit they experience, coupled with solving challenges in an inspirational working environment are what they enjoy most about working at INIT.

INIT awarded as top employer!

Our success is your chance






subsidiaries and offices worldwide

Job offers

You are interested in an employment at INIT? Have a look at our current job offers and find out how to join our team.

For your career at our subsidiary in the US, you may switch to the online presence of INIT Inc.



Interested in more details or the latest news in the area of human resources? Check out our knowledge database for further information. 

HR news
INIT team participates successfully in B2RUN Karlsruhe
HR news
INIT employees on fire at ice stock competition
HR news
Apprenticeship with top grades
HR news
“Back to the 80s” staff party
HR news
By company bike to the next meeting
HR news
INIT event for IHK-apprentices and DHBW-students
HR news
INIT's successful start at B2RUN 2017
HR news
INIT family event 2017
HR news
INIT team went canoeing
HR news
Future IT students on field trip to INIT
HR news
1st Eclipse Hackathon in Karlsruhe


Our experts will answer your questions and give you additional information.


Phone: +49 721 6100 0
Fax: +49 721 6100 399