initplan User Group Meeting 2015 in Regensburg

From 14 to 16 September 2015, 79 public transport experts from 42 transportation companies cametogether for the initplan User Group Meeting in Regensburg. Co-host Josef Weigl from the Regensburger Verkehrsverbund GmbH (RVV) was happy to have met so many transportation colleagues together in the UNESCO World Heritage City of Regensburg where he presented the local public transportation concept.

In addition to interesting topics like integrated scheduling and roster optimisation, new features in MOBILE-PLAN and the depot management system were introduced. The new initplan consultants took the opportunity to meet face-to-face with many of their customers; they were pleased to exchange their expertise with colleagues from other transportation companies. The attendee’s satisfaction with the programme was evident from their high ratings. They marked the User Group Meeting as “good” and “very good”. One customer said: “Stay as you are – super!”
