Saving energy and costs with INIT systems

Savings potential in many processes from planning to operation to charging electric vehicles

Reducing energy costs: INIT systems help optimize blocks, charge cost-effectively and calculate energy without surplus reserves.
(© Stadtwerke Osnabrück).

Karlsruhe, 30 November 2022

Public transport companies worldwide are suffering from unprecedented energy and resources costs, which is forcing a review of their processes and an analysis of all business sectors in order to leverage cost-saving potential. Savings can be made in planning as well as in operations and in the depot. Immediate solutions are required. This is where systems offered by INIT can assist. They help public transport companies save energy and costs quickly and effectively.

Energy-efficient driving with the assistance system MOBILEefficiency

Few factors have such a significant effect on the bus fleet’s energy consumption as a driver’s behavior. A study by the US Department of Energy shows how significant the savings potential can be: an aggressive, unadjusted driving behavior leads to between 10 and 40 percent higher fuel consumption. At current fuel prices, this value has a major impact on cost calculations. The same applies to standing vehicles with the engine running.

To promote energy-efficient behavior, INIT has developed MOBILEefficiency, an assistance system that supports resource-saving driving and is just as suitable for both diesel-driven vehicles as for electric buses. The on-board computer detects, for example, braking or accelerating too hard, idling for too long with the engine running, fast cornering and exceeding the defined speed, and gives the driver feedback in real time. In this way, MOBILEefficiency supports safe and economical driving. The on-board computer also transmits the log of the entire journey to the central system, where this data can be used anonymously and for driver training. In this way, MOBILEefficiency ensures that vehicles are operated economically.

Saving energy with demand-oriented trips

In times of rising energy prices, it is also particularly worthwhile to examine whether individual trips or entire lines be replaced by on-demand services tailored to passenger requirements?

Operating costs can be significantly reduced, especially at times of low demand and in peripheral and rural regions. With smaller, more economical vehicles as well as fewer but more utilized trips it is possible to provide transportation that is advantageous for both public transport companies and passengers. The booking and dispatching solution MOBILE-FLEX from INIT makes this possible.

An important component is a booking app that allows passengers to request, book and cancel journeys. Based on passenger requests, an innovative, artificial intelligence-based, self-learning optimization algorithm calculates the most customer-friendly and economical route for on-demand trips. MOBILE-FLEX includes the integration of on-demand offers into the ITCS, a central booking and information platform as well as the information of the driving personnel about booked passengers via on-board computer or on the smartphone.

Cost-efficient planning with the optimization tool MOBILEopti2

With MOBILEopti2, INIT’s module for the integrated optimization of blocks and duties, INIT also pursues the approach of avoiding unnecessary trips in the timetable, block and duty planning. They are supported in this by MOBILEopti2, INIT’s module for the integrated optimization of blocks and duties. After the timetable is created, the optimization tool is started, which provides optimized blocks and duties in an integrated approach. Here, the focus can be laid on avoiding empty runs and on fuel-saving.

A key function of the optimization tool also lies in what is known as tripshifting: in this process, MOBILEopti2 is enabled to shift journeys (usually school or additional trips) one or two minutes forwards or backwards so a vehicle can be used for additional trips. Especially during early or afternoon peaks, empty runs can be avoided. Dwell times, too, are a factor that increases energy costs because fuel or electricity is also consumed when the vehicle is idling, for heating or cooling, among other things. Here, too, MOBILEopti2 helps to exploit the existing savings potential.

Implementing on-demand services can significantly reduce operating costs, especially at times of low demand and in peripheral and rural regions. (© INIT | Kerstin Groh).

Saving energy in e-bus operations

For transport companies that have already converted their fleets to electric mobility, there are additional opportunities to further reduce their energy costs. This is important because energy will remain expensive in the long term due to the global political situation. The optimization of charging processes and the delivery of accurate forecast of the range of electric buses will become even more essential in the future. INIT’s intelligent charge management system MOBILEcharge and their range forecasting system MOBILErange both deliver on these requirements.

MOBILEcharge ensures that vehicles are always charged on time, according to demand and in a cost-effective manner. Since electricity costs depend primarily on the maximum charging power, the priority is to reduce this. In practice, this means that vehicles are connected to the charging cable when they arrive at the depot, but the charging process, controlled by MOBILEcharge, starts at a later time and with lower charging power. With MOBILEcharge, the maximum charging power can be reduced by more than 50 %. MOBILEcharge is already used by many transport companies worldwide.

Precise knowledge of ranges is equally important for the operation of e-vehicles: Ideally, the forecast accurately reflects the actual electricity consumption over the course of the operating day. This has the advantage that fewer reserves have to be included in the calculation and the electric fleet can be used more efficiently. In this way, MOBILErange helps to further reduce energy costs for transport companies.

Andrea Mohr-Braun

Head of Department Corporate Marketing
INIT worldwide
Phone: +49 721 6100 113
Fax: +49 721 6100 399