The next ITCS generation:

After many years of ongoing development work on the tried and tested “Java ITCS”, the time was right to accommodate both the technological changes in IT architecture and the development environment of real-time systems, as well as to deliver even greater IT security. By developing a completely new, next generation Intermodal Transport Control System, MOBILE-ITCS nextGen, INIT complies with the aforementioned requirements.

MOBILE-ITCS nextGen is a completely new product. Based on ultra-modern system architecture, it allows considerably more extensive content to be embedded than ever before. Furthermore, the consistent use of layer architecture enables the separation of functions and the relational database and therefore ensures distinctly greater flexibility when choosing a database. This is made possible by the Jakarta Persistance API (JPA) which serves as a middleware (ORM layer). We recommend using the robust, widely-used and even licence-free POSTgreSQL database.

MOBILE-ITCS nextGen contains a new user interface created according to UX design principles. With customers from all over the world we developed a user-oriented easy-to operate approach, which enables control centres to work more efficiently. Thanks to new, well-arranged displays and numerous configuration possibilities MOBILE-ITCS nextGen is perfectly suited to the current demands of dispatchers and customer service personnel.

MOBILE-ITCS nextGen offers a large number of add-ons, which functionally will also make it the next generation central operations tool, e. g. departure time calculations are greatly improved thanks to machine learning, on-demand services, mobile dispatching, displaying the e-bus battery’s state of charge and much more.

The advantages

  • More flexibility
  • Greater robustness / performance / security
  • Faster working
  • More user-friendly
  • Clearer displays
  • Greater passenger satisfaction due to improved predictions
  • Quick implementation of new functionality (on-demand services)
  • Monitoring of e-buses in the ITCS

The migration to MOBILE-ITCS nextGen

Migration takes place in several steps. In the first step, the new system architecture is set up. The new user interface will be implemented in step two.

Now is the perfect time for INIT customers to update not only their server systems but also their applications, thereby future-proofing them and making them even more secure.


Klaus Janke

Executive Director