COPILOTpc3 received ITxPT-label

Specifications and open APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) help public transport providers to set-up their IT-systems. An initiative championing for interoperability in public transport is ITxPT (Information Technology for Public Transport). By granting their ITxPT-label they confirm a product’s usage of open architecture, data accessibility and interoperability. INIT, founding and stategic member of the ITxPT association, has received this label for its IPC-based On-Board Computer for vehicles, COPILOTpc3.

The labeling procedure took place in the category "Module Label", including AVMS (Advanced Vehicles Monitoring System), GNSS location and many other ITxPT services, and confirms that both hardware and software modules correspond to ITxPT’s „specification of IT architecture based on standards with open interfaces“ (incl. interfaces, protocols, installation) or surpass it and therefore can be considered as „compliant with ITxPT specifications“.

The ITxPT specifications are based on open standards like German VDV- or European CEN-standards. In order to receive the label, the COPILOTpc3 with INIT’s standard software had to pass multiple tests in the ITxPT-laboratory. 

Features COPILOTpc3

  • All conventional ITS functionality (positioning, schedule adherence etc.)
  • Integrated communication and passenger announcements modules, text-to-speech, speech recognition
  • Manages data and voice radio (e. g. VoIP)
  • Supports standard software

The label’s importance and ITxPT’s influence continue to rise. Indeed, in Germany VDV301 IBIS-IP (Internetprotokoll basiertes integriertes Bordinformationssystem) is considered to be the IT-standard. But in other European countries, as well as in UAE, public transport providers set a high value on the ITxPT-specification.

INIT is constantly working on ITxPT labels for all INIT products and more new INIT products are soon to follow.

ITxPT benefits

  • ITxPT architecture paves the way to cost-effective, reusable, scalable, modularised and sustainable PT systems while keeping them open and compatible with the constant competition and innovation of digital technology.


Gunnar Rehbein

Manager Technology
init SE