Social responsibility

We play an active role in our community and take corporate social responsibility seriously. We cooperate with universities, support young scholars on their way to their future careers, secure employment in our region and commit ourselves socially.

Cooperation with universities

  • Internships, thesis, students’ jobs
  • Guest lecture for students of course Transportation Management at Hochschule Karlsruhe, Germany
  • Participation in national and international academic fairs
  • Guided tours in INIT’s headquarters and further guest lectures
  • Sponsoring

Encouragement of young scholars

  • Internships
  • Training program for young people (EQJ)
  • Student engineering academy
  • Cooperation with schools
  • Participation in educational fairs

Regional job security

  • More than 1100 employees worldwide
  • Employment of apprentices and students

Social commitment

  • Sponsoring of local charity organizations
  • Sponsoring of local sports clubs
  • Sponsoring of local events