
Establishing excellence

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INIT is the worldwide leading supplier of IT solutions for public transport. Everything we do is based on our guiding principle to be the most innovative, reliable and sustainable technology provider.

What guides us

Shaking hands, good place to work

Our mission is to help our customers make public transport more attractive and efficient. To achieve this, we strive for long-term relationships with them that are based on trust, reliability and comprehensive service. We put their challenges in the center of all our activities and help them realize their goals by providing high quality solutions. We keep this quality promise, for example, by following the principles of DIN EN ISO 9001:2015.

Our way of working

The knowledge, eagerness and commitment that our employees contribute are the basis of INIT’s success. Together we are an outstanding team enjoying a motivating work environment. We encourage our employees to implement their own ideas, assume responsibility, experience the joy of success and develop their professional and personal skills. INIT honors their excellent performance by offering a share in the company’s success.

At INIT, we care for our employees. That’s why it is important for us to create an inspiring working atmosphere. We embrace a corporate culture where employees can develop their abilities and succeed.

Dr. Gottfried Greschner

Founder and CEO of INIT

Guiding principles

Corporate culture, happy employees

Our corporate culture obliges every employee to act responsibly, demonstrate integrity and fairness, and treat each individual with respect. The underlying principles are specified in our ethical guidelines and our statement regarding the UK Modern Slavery Act, and provide the basis for our business related and social activities.

Reporting system

We want to be measured by our high standards. Therefore, we ask our customers, employees, suppliers and any third party to report any grievances, and in particular violations of applicable law. For this purpose, we have installed a web-based reporting system with an independent service provider. Violations can be completely anonymously reported, provided that country-specific regulations do not restrict this.

Social responsibility

Corporate social responsibility

We play an active role in our community and take corporate social responsibility very seriously. That’s why we support local, but also international organizations and projects whose goals and values we share. INIT’s activities focus on the areas of social and youth work, education, culture and sports.

Responsibility Along the Supply Chain

As a leading global provider of IT solutions for public transport, INIT strives to deliver innovative, reliable, and sustainable solutions. Our responsibility goes beyond technological excellence; it also encompasses the respect and promotion of human rights and compliance with the highest social standards across all our business areas.

We are committed to fulfilling and continuously improving our human rights and environmental due diligence obligations throughout our entire supply chain. Our actions are guided by international standards, including the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the International Labour Organization (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.

INIT is proud of its more than 40-year history and its presence at over 30 locations worldwide. We are determined to contribute to a fair and sustainable future while upholding the highest standards of social responsibility and human rights.

Our declaration of principles sets binding standards for fair working conditions, protection against discrimination, and the guarantee of safe workplaces. We expect our suppliers and business partners to comply with and actively promote these standards as well. This declaration serves as the foundation for our sustainable practices. We review and update our declaration of principles at regular intervals, based on the results of our risk analyses and evolving global requirements.